Membership & Executive Committee Meetings
Let Your Voice Be Heard

Membership Meeting
Elect officials, Ammend By-laws, Shape Your Gun Club
The first meeting of the year is open to all members. The most important agenda items are reserved for this meeting: election of officials are elected and proposed changes in the club's by-laws. All members in good standing may vote are encoraged to participate in this meeting.
The Membership Meeting will be held at Algona Public Library on January 8th at 7PM.
Executive Committee Meetings
Scheduled as Deemed Necessary & Reported Back to All of Our Members
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and five board members. The Executive Committee shall meet from time to time as deemed necessary by the President or by a member of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee meetings need not be announced to general membership. Members are encouraged to forward their concerns and questions to a member of the Executive Committee. All Executive Committee decisions and votes shall be reported to the membership via email and this website.
The order of business shall be:
- Secretary's report - Reading of the minutes of the last meeting
- Reports of the Officers
- Treasurer
- Vice-President
- President
- Old or unfinished Business
- New Business
- Membership concerns/questions
- League reports
- Upcoming events
- (January Meeting) Change in By-Laws
- (January Meeting) Election of Officers
- Meeting adjournment