Kossuth Rifle & Pistol Club
Official By-Laws

The name of this club shall be the “Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club.”
The Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club will endeavor to promote the safe and sportsmanlike use of firearms. Our goal is to offer competition, instruction and to promote the safe use of firearms. The Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club will endeavor to present at all times a positive image of firearms to the community.
Section 1. The officers of this club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the eligible membership at the January meeting. They shall take immediate office and shall hold office until their successors are elected.
Section 3. The term for elected officers is for the duration of one year.
Section 4. The Executive Committee may call a special meeting for the election of a replacement officer should any officer miss three unexcused meetings, resign, or otherwise be unable to finish the term of office. Excused absences shall be given by the President prior to the meeting.
Section 1. There shall be elected, at the January meeting of the club, five (5) Board of Directors, who shall hold office for a term of one year until their successors are elected.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the club and the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The Executive Committee may call a special meeting for the election of any replacement Board of Director should any Director miss three unexcused meetings, resign, or otherwise be unable to finish the term of office. Excused absence shall be given by the President prior to the meeting.
Section 4. The Executive Committee may assign a temporary Officer of the Club or Board of Director should there be no candidate at the January election.
Section 5. A simple majority of the Executive Committee will provide the quorum necessary to transact club business.
Section 1. The President of the club shall preside at all meetings of the club and Executive Committee meetings. The President shall have the same voting right as any other member and shall vote only when it would affect the outcome and change the result of a membership vote. The President shall perform all duties and functions as is usual in the conduct of office. The President shall have the right to appoint special officers as deemed necessary.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence. The Vice-President shall attend all meetings unless excused by the President prior to the meeting.
Section 3. Secretary - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the club, to insure notice of special meetings; to keep accurate records of the membership; to have charge of all communications and to reply thereto in accordance with such instructions as he or she may receive from the club or its Executive Committee, and to keep such communications on file. These records shall be delivered intact to the successor in office. The Secretary shall attend all meetings unless excused by the President prior to the meeting.
Section 4. Treasurer - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and hold all dues and funds of the club and shall disburse same, by check, as authorized by the President, or Executive Committee, or by majority vote of the club membership. There shall be two signatures on all checks, consisting of the President and the Treasurer. A detailed account of moneys received and disbursed shall be at reasonable times, open to the inspection of any of the officers of the club, or any auditing committee authorized therefore. He or she shall report at each meeting the financial condition of the club, stating the receipts and disbursements since the last report. He or she shall deposit all moneys in a recognized depository in the name of the “Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club,” and shall have all interest accruing on such deposit(s) credited to the club. The Treasurer shall attend all meetings unless excused by the President prior to the meeting.
Section 5. Board of Directors - It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to observe, act, and report on the general operations and conditions of the range and shall oversee the activities, membership and safety of the range and its members. The Board shall recommend changes, if needed, at a regular meeting. The Board of Directors shall attend all meetings unless excused by the President prior to the meeting.
Section 6. Possible appointed positions:- The Building Officer shall oversee and maintain the internal structure of the club building and its contents.
- The Range Officer shall keep the order of the range and maintain it in a safe operating condition. They shall oversee the members during leagues and other club events.
- The Activities Officer shall be responsible for the arrangement of raffles, competitions, rentals, etc. and shall turn over to the treasurer any funds as may be received for such activities.
- The Safety Officer shall oversee the safety of the club facility and general operations of the club. He or she shall report on safety issues and recommend changes, if needed, at regular meetings.
- The Membership Officer shall oversee promotion of the club and of guiding prospective members through the application process.
Section 1. The membership of the club shall be divided into three (3) classifications:
A. SINGLE MEMBERSHIP The single membership of the club shall consist of a person of a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age or older, without a felony conviction, who shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the club, to vote, hold office, and participate generally in the affairs of the club. The fees are due annually on the first (1st) of January of each year. The dues shall be payable pro-rated (1/12) of the year for each month remaining in the year, including the month in which the application for membership is presented.
B. FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: Renewed annually, which will include immediate family members who shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the club, to vote, hold office, and participate generally in the affairs of the club. Any child of a member, under the age of eighteen (18) years, will be allowed structured, supervised access to the club and may participate generally in the affairs of the club, under the direct supervision of a responsible, qualified adult. Minors may not hold office, nor vote.
C. SPONSOR MEMBERSHIP: The sponsor membership of the club shall consist of a person or business, who shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the club, to vote, hold office, and participate generally in the affairs of the club. In addition, the name of the member's business shall be on a sign above one of the stalls in the range. The sponsor membership shall include a one-year family membership for the sponsor or two single one-year memberships to the club. The fee shall be a one-time sponsorship fee.
Section 1.
- New membership applicants must demonstrate competency in the safe handling of firearms as required by the Executive Committee.
- A key to gain access to the building will be issued upon paid membership and required deposit. There will be a $10 deposit on the key, which shall be returned to them when they are no longer a member of the club and turn in their key. It shall be the responsibility of the member to safeguard the key in their possession and shall not loan/lend the key to non-members of the Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club.
Section 2. By a majority vote of the membership present at a regular meeting of the club, any member may be expelled for violation of the By-Laws or rules of the club, un-sportsmanlike, or unmannerly conduct upon the written complaint from any member to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall investigate the complaint before proposing said expulsion at a regular meeting.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of each and every member to strictly obey all rules and By-laws and to report any violation as required under article VII, Section 2.
Section 4. The membership dues shall be set or changed at the January meeting, upon vote and approval of the majority of the members present.
Section 5. The club fiscal and membership year shall start on January 1 and end on December 31.
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of every month at seven P.M. (7:00 pm) at the Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club, unless otherwise announced.
Section 2. Special meeting shall be at the call of the President and/or Executive Committee. Notice of special meetings shall be given to the general membership seven (7) days prior to the meeting date.
Section 3. Any meeting date that falls upon a National Holiday, or if a “travelers advisory” weather condition exists, will be postponed to the following Wednesday. Notice to members will be attempted via phone, email, or other means available under these conditions.
Section 4. The Executive Committee shall meet from time to time as deemed necessary by the President or by a member of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee meetings need not be announced to the general membership.
Section 5. All executive committee decisions and votes shall be reported to the membership at the first regular monthly meeting following the Executive committee action and recorded in the minutes.
Section 6. The order of business at monthly meetings shall be:
- Secretary's report - Reading of the minutes of the last meeting
- Reports of the Officers
- Treasurer
- Vice-President
- President
- Old or unfinished Business
- New Business
- Membership concerns/questions
- League reports
- Upcoming events
- (January meeting) Change in By-Laws
- (January meeting) Election of Officers
- Meeting adjournment
Section 7. In the event of an impasse, Robert's Rules of Order will be used to resolve the issue.
Section8. The President may table major issues until a subsequent meeting. This applies if the issue at hand requires the collection of additional information, or if the President believes the interests of the club are best served by giving the issue additional thought.
Section 1. No guests are allowed on club property unless accompanied by a club member at all times. All guests must register in the guest (visitor) register book in the club room. The club member shall be responsible for the conduct of his or her guest(s). There shall be a limit of two (2) guests per visit and a limit of (2) visits per guest.
Section 2. The President or a majority of the Executive Committee may allow the use of the club facilities by a fellow club member without prior notice to the membership. There shall be no club rentals unless a request is approved by the President and/or Executive committee or made at a regular meeting and approved by a majority vote. No private function will be allowed unless approved by the President and/or Executive Committee or the membership at a regular meeting. Notice of rental or private function shall be posted in the clubhouse a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the event. Any fees may be established by the Executive Committee or by majority vote of the membership.
Section 1. All proposed alterations, additions, or amendments to the By-laws of the club shall be submitted to a member of the Executive Committee, in writing, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the January meeting. Each proposal shall contain the name of the sponsor.
Section 2. A copy of all proposed changes to the By-laws shall be included in the notice of the January meeting.
Section 3. The sponsor of the proposed change, or a designated substitute, must be present at the January meeting to speak for the proposed change and answer questions relating to the proposed change.
Section 4. Amendments to the proposed change may be offered by the membership at the January meeting. Such amendments will only be accepted for vote by the membership if the sponsor or designated substitute accepts them.
Section 5. Proposed changes to the By-laws, including any amendments, shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members present.
Section 1. The discharge of any firearm or pyrotechnic device outside of the approved range is prohibited.
Section 2. The use of any caliber, type of bullet, or load that is not approved by the Executive Committee is prohibited.
Section 3. The use of targets not approved by the Executive Committee is prohibited.
Section 4. There shall be no work activities that shall prohibit full use of the club facilities or grounds by the membership unless approved at a regular meeting or approved by the Executive Committee, except for immediate or emergency repair to the range or building.
Section 5. Weapons being worn for personal protection may not be drawn for display without the permission of the range officer present, and must be rendered safe under the range officer's direction.
Section 6. The officers and range officers of the club shall have the power to immediately expel any person for abusive or unsafe conduct. Members expelled may also be subject to Article VII, Section 2.